Tolcap Data Protection and Privacy Policy

March 2021 - Tolcap may periodically update this policy.


Tolcap is web-based software that enables engineers to allocate process capable tolerances.

Tolcap is offered by Capratechnology Limited (UK Company Registration: 4009835).
It is implemented, and hosted by, Codebase Consulting Limited (UK Company Registration: 10151088)

Key Terms

  • ‘We’ & ‘Our’ refer to employees of Capratechnology Limited or Codebase Consulting Limited involved in maintaining the Tolcap website or application.
  • ‘Personal information’ refers to any information that identifies, or can be used to identify, an individual directly or indirectly.
  • ‘User’ refers to any person who is signed up to use the Tolcap app.
  • ‘Customer’ refers to a person or organisation who holds the Tolcap Pro licence.
  • A ‘Trial Account’ grants limited access to individuals, allowing them to evaluate the Tolcap app.
  • A ‘Tolcap Pro License’ enables full access to the Tolcap app for a specified number of individuals. Typically purchased by companies for a number of employees.

Privacy Policy purpose

This Privacy Policy describes

The information we collect and why we collect it

We respect the privacy of users and customers of Tolcap. We collect and use personal data only for the following purposes:

  • to deliver Tolcap services to users
  • to communicate with, and answer queries, from users and customers
  • for legal compliance
  • to improve our product and service.

General Queries

If you contact Tolcap with a general query we will retain personal information relating to the query only until the query has been answered and no follow up is anticipated.

Data collected from Tolcap Trial Accounts

- used by individual users whilst evaluating the Tolcap app.

Individual's identification data held:

For all users we hold:

  • customer email address
    - this serves as a ‘username’ to sign in to the Tolcap app.
    - and allows us to communicate with you in order to address any issues or answer questions

We may also hold:

  • customer name
  • company name
  • ongoing email queries - we use data from communications with users to enhance and improve Tolcap, and to inform training and guidance materials. Beyond initial contact such data is anonymized.
  • very occasionally, we may obtain information about you from third-party sources, such as publicly available employment profiles e.g. LinkedIn
    - we might do this when answering a technical query to help us to ascertain likely background knowledge.
    - to drive our business appropriately it might be useful to understand e.g. our current users employment sectors, first languages or preferred browsers.
      Information used for such business analysis is stripped of personal identification as soon as practical.

Tolcap usage data:

For each user we record:

  • the number of times the user has logged in
  • the number of calculations performed
  • the date of the most recent log in.

Usage data allows us
- to follow up sign ups who have not logged in, to address any issues that may have prevented that
- to follow up new users once they have logged in, to seek to address any issues or assist with their evaluation of Tolcap
- to determine by amalgamating (and anonymizing) which elements of our service our users find particularly useful and which might therefore benefit from enhancement
- to report Tolcap usage to customers to enable them to evaluate Tolcap and enhance its usage in the organisation.

Data collected from Tolcap Pro Accounts

- when organisations purchase Tolcap Pro they can sign up a specified number of individuals as users of a Tolcap Pro Licensed Account.

Identification data:

 as for Trial Accounts

Tolcap usage data:

 as for Trial Accounts

For Tolcap Pro accounts, we are able to provide the account administrator with a report to enable evaluation of the usage of the Tolcap Pro account by the organisation.

Business level and accounting data held:

  • company / organisation name
  • the name and email of an administrator with responsibility for the list of Tolcap users
  • a list of authorised users and their email addresses in the organisation
  • other business contact names and roles
  • address
  • telephone number(s)
  • email address(es)
  • billing and payment information - to enable the commercial transactions to set up a licence
  • business queries you may email, or otherwise communicate, to us

How we secure, store and retain your personal data

For the vast majority of Tolcap customers we store very little personal data.

We follow generally accepted standards to store and protect the personal data we collect, both during transmission and once received and stored, including utilisation of encryption where appropriate.

How long do we keep data

We retain your data only if it is needed: to allow you to access the Tolcap app; to allow us to communicate with you about Tolcap; to fulfil legal requirements; or to protect our business interests.

Data retention periods might be:

  • mandated by law, contract or similar obligations applicable to our business operations
  • required for preserving, resolving, defending or enforcing our legal/contractual rights
  • or needed to maintain adequate and accurate business and financial records.

Trial Accounts

When trial accounts expire, email addresses of account holders who never logged in are deleted. If trial account holders did log in, their emails are retained for a period not exceeding 7 years. This enables us to recognise and consider applicants who request a further trial, and preventing abuse of Tolcap's free trial system.

We review the trial data we hold several times a year and retain personal information only where we deem it potentially still relevant to future communications with yourself, or where it is vital for protection of our business interests.

Tolcap Pro

For Tolcap Pro accounts, when advised by the administrator that a user has left the organisation, their access to the account is disabled. This is to prevent them using the account at the expense of their former employer. Ex-users names may be retained for a period not exceeding 7 years.

Should a Tolcap Pro licence be terminated the access of all users listed to the account is disabled. The email addresses of these users are retained for a period not exceeding 7 years. Retaining this information: enables us to protect our business interests by preventing users opening a trial account as a way of continuing to use Tolcap after closure of the account; allows us to estimate how much return business comes from ex-users; and allows us to re-engage appropriately with users who may have a temporary break from Tolcap use.

Data and third parties

We never pass customers personal data to third parties for their use.

We do employ commonly used third party software to: store, process and analyse data; communicate with Users; to process payments; secure our systems; and other business-related functions.

Cookies and site use analysis

Cookies and similar technologies on Tolcap's websites and app allow us to track how you use and interact with our Services e.g. links clicked, time spent on a page, your device type. This information in amalgamated with other users data and anonymized. The information enables informed business decisions and service improvements.

We make limited use a of commonly used cookies and analytics outlined below.

Google Analytics

Tolcap website uses Google Analytics 4 to anonymously analyse visitor engagement. This allows us to understand user requirements and improve our service. The consent banner - which you will have encountered on first entering the Tolcap site - gives you control over whether you wish to participate in this data collection.

If you wish to reset the consent banner - delete cookies from the site and refresh the page.

Consent Banner Checkboxes Explained

The consent banner allows you to indicate your agreement, or disagreement, to the recording of events and information relating to your use of the Tolcap website.

The events fall into the categories indicated below. Your choices may enable or disable website features, and may determine the interest profile Google uses to inform your more general internet experience.

Necessary Tolcap website uses cookies to record current session information. Our necessary cookies enable:
Essential storage that supports the functioning of the website and app.
Storage of essential security information for authentication functions and fraud prevention.
Analytics These cookies help Tolcap understand how people use their website e.g. by counting visitors and checking which webpages are popular.
Preferences By accepting these you enable storage of personalisations you have made on the Tolcap website or app, e.g. from session to session Tolcap might remember your login, your mm/inch preference, your saved calculations; or it might recommend next steps based on previous browsing.
Marketing By accepting these you allow Google to store personalised information for advertising and marketing purposes.
These cookies allow Google to reflect your browsed interests in the adverts and recommendations you see online e.g. as a consequence of visiting the Tolcap site you might see more manufacturing, design and tolerancing related items on virtual billboards.

Microsoft Windows Azure Cookies

Cookie Type Expires after Purpose
ARRAffinity Third Party, Session Session Set by websites running on the Microsoft Windows Azure platform. These cookies enables us to control which of our web servers handles request.
ARRAffinitySameSite Session
ASP.NET_SessionId Session Set by websites running on the Microsoft Windows Azure platform. This cookie contains the user's session ID.

Cookie Types

  • Third-Party Cookies

    These cookies are controlled by third-parties. They allow us to use the third-party software within our website.
  • Persistent Cookies

    Persistent cookies remain active on the user’s device for a set period of time. They are activated when a user visits a website.
  • Session Cookies

    Session cookies are temporary. They are active on a user’s device from their opening the website until the web browser is closed, at which point they are removed.

How you can access, update, manage and delete your information

If you would like to know what personal data we hold about you, or if you need to change, delete or restrict the use of personal details, please use the address or link at the bottom of this page.

If you make a request to delete your personal data the request will be honoured only to the extent it is no longer: required to facilitate any Services purchased, needed for our legitimate business purposes, or required for our legal or contractual record keeping.

UK, European and International requirements

As UK based companies our data collection and retention policies are based on guidance produced by the UK Government Information Commissioner's Office:

Tolcap customer base is International and as such we will respect, as far as practically possible, the guidance of our customers nations.

If European Union (EU) or United Kingdom (UK) data protection law applies to the processing of your information, you can exercise your right to request: access to; update; removal; and restriction of the processing of your information as outlined below.

You also have the right to object to the processing of your information.

For users based in the European Economic Area or Switzerland, the data controller responsible for your information is Capratechnology Limited, unless otherwise stated.

Contact Us

Tolcap's data storage is controlled, and regularly reviewed, by Codebase Consulting Limited. If you have any questions about Tolcap's Privacy Policy, or the retention of your personal data, please use the address or contact form link below:

Capratechnology Limited
2 Farrow Drive
East Yorkshire
HU17 8YY

Tolcap contact form.

In line with UK data protection legislation Capratechnology Limited is registered with the UK Government Information Commissioner's Office - Registration: ZB041939.

We will respond to all requests, inquiries or concerns within 30 days. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may direct privacy complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Tolcap includes:

  • Calculations for over 80 manufacturing processes
  • FREE trials for business users
  • Low cost business licences
  • No long term contract
  • No set up charges